
We are a group of multidisciplinary professionals who love the real estate world and appreciate the value of things which are well done. Our company is very diverse and consists of partner of different Spanish, Dutch and British profiles. We have created a combination of traditional Spanish taste  with the way of life, and customs of northern Europe.


Foto Miguel Angel Guerrero SalvadorMiguel Angel Guerrero Salvador: Solicitor, Tax Consultant, investment expert and manager of Salvador Real Estate. More than 10 years of experience in the real estate sector which makes him a real expert in the Almeria market

Frederik SchaapBusinessman, art and old cars collector. He is a successful businessman in the Netherlands who knows how to value exclusive and quality things. He always seeks perfection in what he does and collaborates in the search for international clients.

Foto Alejandro Guerrero SalvadorAlejandro Guerrero Salvador: Economist, MBA from the School of Industrial Organization (EOI) and expert in urbanism and real estate developments by IPE. He is also British Honorary Consul in Almería. His field of activity is developed in tax and commercial advising, being manager of “Gestoría Salvador”, Consultancy. He is a speaker at numerous real estate events that take place both regionally and nationally.


Dennis J. Buckley: Business developer in UK and Ireland: Dennis is a veteran with over 45 years in the financial markets in the U.K and abroad and has owned a property in Palomares, Almeria for over 10 years.



Ana Latorre: Business developer and presales



Gemma López: Business developer and presales



Reyes Olivares: Post sales and tenants managing



Beatriz Alonso: Post sales and Accounting



Maria del Mar Asensio:Deeds administration and relationship with institutions



Michel Cantero: Design, marketing and social media